Welcome to the Shofar Call Store. This is a safe place to buy.
Above are FEATURED PRODUCTS. Navigate through them to find the products you are interested in. If you would like something that you do not see in the store, currently, please contact us. We can special order 100's of other items not in stock.
* DISCOUNTS TO MEMBERS of Shofar Call International
Payments: All major credit cards and COD
Shipping*: All orders will be shipped via standard UPS or USPS depending upon the location of the recipient. A tracking number is available for each shipment.
Returns: We offer a lifetime guarantee on our shofars only. (Not for temple trumpets.) You may return your shofar at any time. For a cash refund the return must occur within 30 days of purchase. After 30 days, you may exchange your horn for another of equal value or even one of greater value by simply paying the difference in the price. All returns must include your original receipt and the horn must arrive in good condition. The customer is responsible for all additional shipping charges.
Overseas Shipments: We may at times need to refuse shipments to certain foreign countries based upon our history of having difficulties shipping to certain areas. In these cases the customer will be notified and all funds refunded promptly. ALSO ALL SHIPMENTS OUTSIDE THE USA WILL REQUIRE US TO CALL YOU WITH ADDITIONAL SHIPPING RATES ONCE YOU HAVE EITHER ORDERED OF EMAIL US WITH YOUR SHIPPING ADDRESS BEFORE ORDERING AND WE WILL EMAIL YOU OR CALL YOU BACK WITH THE ADDITIONAL RATES.